Project Report

Synopsis & Project Report

These challenges can impact the overall academic experience, as students often juggle various responsibilities, such as work, family, and academic commitments. Maintaining consistency with IGNOU’s formatting guidelines can be challenging, as it requires careful attention and can be stressful.

Additionally, typing for long periods can cause physical discomfort and fatigue, hindering the development of a collaborative learning environment. Physical documents are susceptible to loss or damage, which adds a layer of stress. To address these issues, IGNOU students can order high-quality projects and synopsis reports and learn about the best format for projects and synopsis reports. IGNOUHELPS.COM.

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List of Subject Projects and Synopsis Available:

BA | Bachelor of Arts
BCA | Bachelor of Computer Applications
B.COM | Bachelor of Commerce
BPP | Bachelor Preparatory Programme
B.Sc. | Bachelor of Science
BSW | Bachelor of Social Work
BTS | Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies)
CAHT | Certificate in Anti-Human Trafficking
CCP | Certificate in Consumer Protection
CTPM | Certificate Programme in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics
DECE | Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education
DNHE | Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education
DPLAD | Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and Development
DTS | Diploma in Tourism Studies
M.ED | Master of Education
MA | Master of Arts
MARD (Revised) | Master of Arts (Rural Development)
MBA (MS) | Master of Business Administration
MBA (New) | Master of Business Administration
MBAFM | Master of Business Administration (Financial Management)
MBAHM | Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management)
MBAMM | Master of Business Administration (Marketing Management)
MBAOM | Master of Business Administration (Operations Management)
MBF | Master of Business Administration (Banking & Finance)
MCA | Master of Computer Applications
MLIS | Master of Library and Information Science
M.Sc. | Master of Science
MSW | Master of Social Work
MTTM | Master of Tourism and Travel Management
PGDCJ | Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice
PGDCSR | Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility
PGDDC | Post Graduate Diploma in Development Communication
PGDDM | Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management
PGDEMA | Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and Administration
PGDEOH | Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Occupational Health
PGDFSQM | Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management
PGDHE | Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education
PGDHHM | Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management
PGDIS | Post Graduate Diploma in Information Security
PGDLAN | Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking
PGDPPED | Post Graduate Diploma in Pre-Primary Education
PGDRD | Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development
PGDSS | Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science
PGDT | Post Graduate Diploma in Translation
PGDUPDL | Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Development
PGDWGS | Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s & Gender Studies


IGNOU Project Sample PDF

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